Well it has happened again...
The 6am call from the post office "your chicks are here!"
Such an exciting time but a little worrisome. Last time I could hear the chicks peeping on the phone and the second we walked into the post office. Not this time, they were much quieter. We did have one that did not survive the trip, but all of the others are doing well and settling in.
Here is a little video...
We have 25 Cornish, 1 White Crested Black Polish, 1 Americauna, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Light Brahams, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Silver Laced . In addition to the chickens we have, that is a grand total of 67! Our first batch of Cornish X Rocks are 5 weeks. We have 23 of them and will have them for another 3 weeks. The hens, we have 18 and are going to have some serious eggs on our hands. Most are brown egg layers though we have one white layer and two that will lay colored eggs. It has been fun having them all around. I do think we are a little crazy and do not recommend this many chickens if you don't have the space. The Cornish eat and poop a ton! We live on 14 acres so neighbors aren't an issue and as long as you keep up on the coop and it is big enough the smell isn't a problem either.
The older Cornish males have started to crow. I heard one this morning. It is still young and kind of sounded like a sick cow than a rooster. I am sure they will be sharpening up their cock a doodle doo's over the next few weeks. The Cornish X Rocks are just really easy going chickens with great dispositions, just don't get in between them and their food...they are serious eaters.
That is a LOT of chickens!
LOL as some people act like that too if you get in between them and their food!!
xo Cathy
Those boys eat to feed you in a few weeks! I couldn't do it, LOL! I get way too attached.
Cuuuute babies!!
honestly..chickens are not my thing but...I wish I lived next door to you!...looking forward to reading your past and future posts.
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