Cut to today. Trick or Treating cancelled until Friday. Our town is old school, you trick or treat on Halloween, no changing the night. Except this year. Still half of our town is without power. We have been blessed that we got our power back on Sunday... Yes just in time to watch the Steelers run circles around my boys. What a train wreck... Speaking of train wrecks...
My MIL arrived today for an indefinite period of time. She lives in western MA which was hit very hard in the storm. No phone or power up there for who knows how long. It has been quite the roller coaster of a ride since last week. She has had a very difficult time believing she was scammed and still I think wants to believe that her ship has come in. She has been entering all kinds of 'sweepstakes'. Spending over $100 a month on these bogus sweepstakes that you send in $5 here or $9.99 there. They are the kind of 'contests' that take your information and bundle it with others and sell it to scammers. She also 'invested' in this green company for a gas additive. She was supposed to be getting $1000 a month after her initial $4800 investment...guess what? That one didn't pay off either and all it has left her with is a maxed out credit card. We are doing a subtle intervention while she is here to get her out of this cloud she has been living in that she is going to win a million dollars from all these scams and schemes. It is a sad situation for her, but she is a competent adult. She is not and elderly person with dementia. She has made her choices and now has to live with them. For someone who will use a tea bag twice to save money, I just don't understand how she has literally thrown money away at these scams. Enough about that.